Google Analytics Event Tracking to measure PPC ROI from lead generation

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I wrote my first piece of javascript today! I have avoided getting in to this up till now as it has been easy enough to google something and C&C! Event Tracking is still too new so in order to solve my problem I had to do some research.

In the past, i have been used to transactions being carried out online – analytics can track it all (just about). Now though, our web leads are converted by our sales team, so we face the problem of linking our online information regarding visitor behaviour with our offline sales information.

Our leads usually come through a web form, these leads are filtered and entered into our sales database then distributed to a sales team – all done manually. So why do we want to link these pools of information?

Basically, we don’t know how successful our PPC campaigns are – if we are going to continue spending this money then we want to know our ROI. For this, we want to know the number and value of the converted leads that have been generated by a PPC source.

Event tracking allows us to see the source of the traffic for each form submit event, so if we can link sales information to the traffic source, we can gain some understanding of the revenue being generated by this channel.

By using an onChange handler to call a function, we can set the email address entered by a user in the form element as a global variable, which can then be entered as the ‘label’ in the analytics event tracking code.

Now we can link these two pool’s of data!

Update: by putting this.form.elementname.value in the event tracking code where ‘label’ used to be, you can achieve this with greater simplicity!

See more info, a disclaimer and the code here – apparently you may breach GA’s T&C’s by doing this, but it’s not clear in this case.

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